Search and Media
Advanced Ajax Search & Custom Search Filtering: We have one of the most powerful search systems on the market - Ajax search with advanced custom filters. Photo Galleries, Videos, YouTube, Music & More! Cityvibe Directory has built-in support for multiple images, user videos, audio files, YouTube, and more!
Virtual Gifts and Chatroom
Email Alerts & Notification System: Never miss a thing! Companions and members are always updated with new message alerts and account changes. Free & Paid Virtual Gifts: Let members send you virtual gifts. Cityvibe Dierctory has an integrated gift system, for example Members can send virtual gifts to get conversations started. Built-in Chatroom and Messenger Cityvibe Directory Includes a chatroom and instant messenger system so Companions can communicate with Members.
Profile Analytics and more
Online Now Button: Members can search for Companions who are online and send chat requests to meet in the chat room. Zip/Postal Searches: Enter your zip/postal code to find Companion profiles within a certain distance from your location. Profile Likes & Statistics: Companions can see who's liked their profile in a dedicated section in their account area.
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